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MQuotes : Motivational Quotes





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本


MQuotes : Motivational Quotes(圖1)-速報App

MQuotes is a free motivational app that shows motivational quotes and brilliant quotes with a daily motivational quote , and you can favourite, share the inspirational and motvational quotes available in the app.

you should install mquotes for this reasons :

we choose the best motivational quotes

MQuotes : Motivational Quotes(圖2)-速報App

we pick the best positif quotes

the daily brilliant quote.

share a quote on facebook and other social networks

MQuotes : Motivational Quotes(圖3)-速報App

inspirational quotes of authors and the philosophers.

provide positif thoughts

our motivational quotes contain the best quotes (motivational quotes, inspiirational quotes) of the authors and the philosophers

MQuotes : Motivational Quotes(圖4)-速報App

to provide positif thoughts

this app is easy to manipulate it hand picked collection of thes best motivational quotes and to stay positif we picked the most wonderful positif quotes of all time, this app can change your mood to have positif thoughts in all time.

If you liked the app, please vote for us as this will help us improve our application. Thank you beforehand !

MQuotes : Motivational Quotes(圖5)-速報App

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MQuotes : Motivational Quotes(圖6)-速報App